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Real-time. Live. Continuous. Automated. Simplified
Water & Liquids Monitoring Systems for 
Bacterial, Micro-Particles & Bio/Chem Contaminants

Beyond Ordinary - Scanner Exclusive Feature:
Accurately detects in Real-Time contaminant DURATION and LEVEL
  • Defending against recalls / boil alerts
  • Boosting water quality management
  • Uncover water risks before they become problems
  • Has one of the lowest OpEx in the market
Contamination event.gif

Introducing PhenoMonitor - The 1st Live Bacterial Population Classifier

Holistic detector for various water contaminations - read more
VBact “Bacterial Water Scanner™ ” products revolutionize your microbial water quality monitoring workflow 

Providing LIVE, automated, continuous, reagent-free 4 parameters:     

     Bacterial total count                                                                Micro-particles total count
(bacterial population) Classifier                     Micro-particles & bacteria size distribution

For water quality stability, chemical and biological contamination

The “Scanner” product line step you forward into digitalization and automation. VBact is the first to offer “Microbial Industrial Automation™” performances. The Scanner continuous monitoring provides water quality validation and improves water process control.

VBact technology integrates innovative patented "Direct Imaging" technology and AI image processing capabilities, together with continuous 24/7 in-line liquid sampling and analysis. 

“Direct Imaging” utilizes sub-micron resolution while inducing special properties at each cell or micro-object. The "Scanner" products sensitively differentiate bacteria from general particles, and provide additional cell classification capabilities. It is a modular multi-parameter platform system that simultaneously analyzes various critical water quality parameters.  

As a reagent-free method the Scanner has one of the lowest operational cost in the market. 

Our systems are trusted by global companies.

Click here for the Scanner pioneering features & benefits 

Key Benefits That Set VBact Water Scanner Apart

Instantaneous data provides real-time insights, enabling proactive decision-making and swift response

Live, Minute-by-Minute Results

Continuous Operation

No sampling gaps, ensuring comprehensive, 24/7 coverage for uninterrupted water quality monitoring


Fully automated system, no need for human operator

In-Line Sampling

Most accurate sampling, ensuring direct and precise data capture from the water flow

Reagent-Free Operation

Simplified process with reduced operational costs, eliminating the need for consumables or chemicals

Low OpEx

Cost-effective solution with some of the lowest operational expenses in the market

Comprehensive Data

Simultaneous monitoring of four critical water quality parameters, providing a holistic view of water health

PhenoMonitor Integration

Advanced bacterial population classification tool for detecting chemical and biological contamination, and identifying shifts in water quality

Event Tracker

Live detection and identification of recurrent contamination events based on learned patterns for quick and targeted intervention

ROI and Cost Savings

Various cost savings and ROI use cases

Video - Bacterial Water Scanner
Live demo of contamination event

Contact Us

VBact Ltd.

16 Haoren St., 
Rehovot 7657516, 

Tel +972.52.8484.730

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