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Clinical Diagnostics -  Developments

VBact pioneering bioimaging “Direct Imaging” technology is applicable for analyzing various fluids, including human fluids. It is a label-free method for detection, enumeration and classification of cells and micro-objects in fluids. Its powerful imaging having detection resolution starting at 0.3 µm is coupled with novel AI image processing algorithms and proprietary bio-chip for simplified fluid sampling. The system has single cell/object analysis sensitivity enabling accurate enumeration with large detection dynamic range.

These capabilities are highly applicable to development of various cutting-edge clinical diagnostics applications.  Among these applications VBact is designing a new test for Kidney Stones.


VBact is developing a new kidney stones analyzer for urine samples that will transform the analysis into an ultra-rapid, simple and cost efficient test with broad meaningful data.


Kidney stones are medical condition affecting 10%-15% of the population. It is also a common reason for hospital admissions, particularly when they cause severe pain or complications such as urinary tract infections or obstruction of the urinary tract. In the United States, kidney stones are responsible for over 1 million emergency department visits and over 300,000 hospitalizations each year, according to estimates.

The test in development will require only small urine volume while providing accurate stone counts and their sizes. All stone formations are expected to be detected. The stones composition classification is also in development. Test result will be provided in 2 minutes compared to several days by the current tests, offering physicians and patients immediate diagnosis and monitoring during treatment.

Kidney Stones and Bacterial Infection ultra-rapid analysis

The kidney stones analyzer can be combined with our bacterial detector and offer simultaneous detection on the same sample of bacterial infection and stones in the urine.

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