Micro-Particle Detector
Main Uses:
Water Quality Assurance
Unfiltered Mineral Water Quality
Early Warning of Contamination
Infrastructure Integrity
Optimization of Treatment Processes
Ecological Effects
The Micro-Particle Detector (MPD) counts all micro-particles between the sizes of 0.3 to 15 microns and provides an analysis of particle size distribution in 3 micron interval. The operational detection and counting of micro-particles by the Scanner is similar to bacteria: it operates in real-time, continuously, automatically and the method is label-free.
MPD presents broader and clearer data over turbidity meter rough
measurements that can’t distinguish between particle sizes and
their actual count. Utilizing the MPD can significantly enhance
water quality monitoring and management. For example, immediate
detection of an increase in the level of certain particle size may indicate
a breach of the filtration system or a failure of another water
treatment process.
Micro-Particles Real-Time Detector
Additional uses for the MPD:
Compare and monitor water quality overtime for quality stability validation and control over seasonal quality shifts
Compare the quality between several water sources for better water management and selection the optimal water source for the operator needs
Water treatment validation and optimization
Compare and validate between water treatment equipment of different vendors
Validate wash and disinfection processes efficiency
The Micro-Particle Detector is an optional complementary detector.
Model No. VB-MPD-200